Fellowship Guidlines

In order to promote research-based activities in the University, an innovative scheme for granting fellowship to Ph.D. Research Scholars has been initiated,two fellowships will be awarded in each of the following faculties:-

  • Arts and Social Sciences
  • Commerce and Management
  • Science


The fellowship will be awarded for a period of two years, initially for a period of one year. The Researchs Development Cell (RDC) after reviewing the progress after one year, will recommend for continuance of fellowship, in case progress is found to be satisfactory.

Nature of Assistance:

  1. It is expected that the concerned department will monitor the progress of the fellow continuously
  2. The fellow should not hold/accept any other position, paid or otherwise, or receive emoluments, salary, stipend, honorarium etc. from any other source during the tenure of fellowship.
  3. The fellowship may be terminated at any time during the tenure without giving reason thereof  and the decision of the committee shall be final and binding
  4. No extension is permissible beyond total tenure of two years

The financial assistance will be @ Rs.6,000/- p.m.

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Only full time Ph.D. students/research scholars, registered in The IIS (Deemed to be University), Jaipur are eligible for fellowship.
  2. The criteria for grant of fellowship will be based on need cum merit.
  3. Only those candidates will be eligible to receive the fellowship whose parents annual income does not exceed Rs. 8.00 lacs per year

Selection Procedure:

  1. Applications received from the candidates will be screened and the cases of eligible candidates will be placed before selection committee
  2. Selection will be made through interview, wherein due weightage will be given to the academic index of the candidate
  3. For merit considerations, the ‘academic index’ of the candidates will be calculated giving weightage to the marks obtained in the Masters' degree examination in the subject and performance in the pre Ph.D. course work (or M.Phil Examination in the subject) in the following Proportion:

a) Master’s degree Exam.                                   :   40%

b) Pre Ph.D. course work/ M.Phil. Examination      :   60%         

  1. Marks will be awarded towards Research contributions made by the candidate.
  2. Merely fulfilling the eligibility criteria may not entitle a candidate for being called for interview.
  3. The formal letter will be issued only after submission of essential documents.
  4. The research scholars getting JRF/SRF or any other fellowship from any funding agency and those having other source of Income are not eligible for the fellowship.
  5. An under taking will also be taken form each Research scholars to the effect that they are not drawing JRF/SRF or any other fellowship and do not have any other source of Income.
  6. The students awarded fellowship by the University will be required to take at least undergraduate 12 classes per week and would be required to stay full time in the University for other Academic Work. For this purpose their attendance will be maintained in the respective departments.
  7. Candidates will be required to submit Income certificate of parent form their employer (or pay slip) or from revenue officer not below the rank of a Tehsildar or a copy of Form No. 16 or Income Tax Return of the previous year.

Procedure for Applying the fellowship:

Only full time Ph.D. Students/Research scholars registered in the IIS (Deemed to be University), Jaipur are eligible to apply for fellowship under the scheme on the format prescribed by the University, which is available on the website of the IIS (Deemed to be University). The Application should be duly forwarded by the Supervisor and the Head of the Department. The candidate will be required to appear for an interface before the Selection Committee constituted for the award of fellowships.

Disbursement of fellowship:

  1. The fellowship will be awarded to those candidates who fulfill all the conditions laid down by the IIS (Deemed to be University) and have been selected by the committee for the purpose.
  2. At the end of every month, the research scholar will be required to submit a scholarship bill dully forwarded by the supervisor and Head of the Department to the office of research section for arranging payment of the fellowship.

Cancellation of Award:

The fellowship is liable to be cancelled in case of:

  1. Misconduct.
  2. Unsatisfactory progress of research work.
  3. He/she is found ineligible at a later stage.